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How do I cancel an order?

To cancel an order before it is shipped, follow these steps:

  1. Contact the customer support of the website or platform where you placed the order. Look for their customer service number or email address. It’s usually listed in the “Contact Us” section of their website.

  2. Call or email the customer support team and provide them with your order details such as order number, product name, and any other relevant information they might require.

  3. Request them to cancel your order. Be polite and clear in your communication.

  4. If your order hasn’t been processed or shipped yet, they should be able to cancel it for you. They might also confirm the cancellation via email or provide you with a cancellation confirmation number.

  5. Keep an eye on your email or messages for any updates regarding the cancellation. Once confirmed, you should receive a refund if you’ve already made a payment.

Remember, it’s essential to act quickly because once the order is shipped, it might not be possible to cancel it, and you may need to return the item following the platform’s return policy instead.

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